MIISP '09 Participants
Note: The participant's level of study indiciated in this entry is his/her current U-M status as of Fall 2009.
Erica Buher (Blog Title: oh to live among the peacocks!)
- Junior, LSA, Concentration in International Studies and African Studies
- Internship: Spent the summer in Uganda working at a NGO called REAP (Renewed Effords to Alleviate Poverty), which focuses on issues related to human rights, the environment and HIV/AIDS
Christie Donahue (Blog Title: Cricketd's Travels)
- Senior, College of Engineering, Concentration in Biomedical Engineering
- Internship: Working in Antigua, Guatemala at Casasito, an NGO with which she first became involved through the UM student organization Health in Action.
Robin Goldberg (Blog Title: Aventuras en Argentina)
- Senior, LSA/Residential College, Concentration in Arts & Ideas in the Humanities
- Internship: Spent last summer in Cordoba, Argentina where she taught English at a local school.
Ramsey Hilton (Blog Title: Ramsey in Deutschland)
- Senior, College of Engineering, Concentration in Chemical Engineering
- Internship: Spent the summer working at BMW in Munich, Germany.
Lauren Lockwood (Blog Title: Lauren in Zurich)
- Senior, LSA, Concentration in Brain, Behavior, and Cognitive Science
- Internship: Spent the summer working in the Dermatology Department at the University of Zuerich in Switzerland where she attended professional conferences, edited cutting edge research papers, and participated in clinical observations.
Carl Patchen (Blog Title: Carl in Buenos Aires)
- Junior, Ford School of Public Policy
- Internship: Spent the summer in Buenos Aires, Argentina working at La Usina, which he describes as "a nonprofit organization that works to promote social justice for people with disabilities in Argentina by launching awareness campaigns and promoting similar programs" There Carl worked to find funding opportunities to support various La Usina initiatives.
Mark Rudolf (Blog Title: Mark im Vaterland)
- Sophomore, College of Engineering, Concentration in Biomedical Engineering
- Internship: Spent the summer working in the Department of Biohybrid Systems at the Fraunhofer Institute of Biomedical Technology in St. Ingbert, Germany.
Priscilla Tan (Blog Title: Priscilla in Istanbul)
- Sophomore, LSA
- Internship: Spent the summer in Istanbul, Turkey where she had two internships, the first of which was at FIBA Real Estate, and the second was at the International Office at a local Turkish university.
Sun Young (Lyla) Yang (Blog Title: my little sunshine)
- Sophomore, Stephen M. Ross School of Business
- Internship: Spent last summer pursuing three international opportunities including the Pangea World Service Team's trip to Ecuador in May, the Quito Project (also in Ecuador) during the month of June, and then GIEU in Cuzco, Peru during the month of July.
Kira Youryevna Youdina (Blog Title: Kira in St. Petersburg)
- Junior, LSA, Concentration in Political Science and History.
- Internship: Spent this summer in St. Petersburg, Russia at an internship with the Hermitage Museum.
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